About Us

Every human person, by virtue of his/her dignity has a fundamental right to freedom. The freedom to make choices is one of humanity's greatest assets yet also a source of society's greatest challenges. Protecting this fundamental freedom for every citizen and family is a cardinal duty of government.

Every human society needs citizens of integrity for sustainable development. Every individual thrives when his/her development is characterized by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth centered on core values. This process takes place most effectively within the family – custodian of core values.

Every human right derives from the dignity of human life. Authentic development of society depends on respect for the rights of the human person and the family. Undermining the rights of any person undermines the rights of all. Consequently zygotes, embryos, the disabled, elderly, etc. have rights which must be respected.

Every human being has an intrinsic and absolute dignity and value which is independent of any human condition(s) e.g. age, health, physical, social or financial status. This dignity is unalterable as no human community can grant or rescind it.

Every human endeavor is aimed at moving the individual, family or society forward in wellbeing and quality of life. The products of both manual and intellectual human labor ought to be at the service of the human person. The political community at all levels is obliged to protect its citizens and families from policies that impact negatively, sacrificing their progress for the service of the economy and/or state.